And Done. Added spirits coming out of his staff of souls, drapery in the background, and there you have it.
Resolved a staff idea, added an aged carpet, and put some splatter here and there to give it more of a sense of history. I wanted this place to feel like it's not been cared for much, since it's in a dungeon sort of environment.

I then focused on the background. I wanted it to have hard, sharp shapes to emphasize the character of this guy. I also tried to come up with a staff idea, but it sucked, since I wasn't sure if I wanted it to be a head on the end or not (stupid idea).

For the modeler's sake, I kept the robe on a layer and clarified the armor some.

I then moved onto fleshing out some of the main shapes I wanted, especially in his armor.

I wanted a "creepy ruler" sort of figure. A throne seemed like a fitting idea. God ol' red and green complementary palette.